You find yourself in the ethereal void, floating amongst the stars, with a mysterious cloaked figure hanging in space before you... "Greetings. I am your NEMESIS." "My job is to undo you." "As yet, an official degree hast not been issued as to WHO shall be the new guildmaster. I'm sure you've seen that they never contacted you about it." "Who? A good question. Do you think YOU are the guildmaster?" "Me? Perhaps more likely than yourself. If you are the guildmaster, I wonder where your degree is. Did they GIVE it to you?" "Thou lie." "I thought not." "I will tell you WHY you did not get it." "Because it's MINE!!!" He screams and raises his arms. There is a clap of thunder. "Not yours! MINE! You see, I too, am a Grandmaster. The BEST!" "You do not remember me? Then be ye educated!" He moves his hood to one side for a second, and in shock you see a familiar-looking 'lean and hungry' gentleman. The theif of Zurk Two!! "SURPRISED Grandmaster?" "I thought so. Yes, it is I. I watched as you blundered about the Zurkian worlds. I pretended to salute you at the end of Zurk 9. But it was a RUSE." "To put you off guard, of course, that I could get a leap in the HERITAGE stuff." "That stupid elf girl didn't care much for me, but I completed the quests, and went on to HOZ2." "I waited there for you, and watched you. I timed how long it took you to do everything. Very slow, very slow. I did much better. MUCH better..." "You see, slow one, there is a contest going on. The Dungeon Master says I have a bad attitude but excellent skills. One of us will be chosen by the guild and the DM." "It is simply a matter of who is the best adventurer, and that's SIMPLY me!" "I heard they're working on a world 10 times larger than the one you were just in. A full-scale epic. It's got everything. You'll never make it buddy, no sir. It's a REAL quest." "No more easy stuff, junior." He laughs as he belittles you like this. "Yes, you'll find you can't just stomp around bumping into clues. No sir, you'll need far BETTER adventuring skills." "And I already have those skills. So don't rejoice too merrily. Don't shout your success. Don't brag too loudly, for I shall be WAITING for you in:" ULTIZURK TWO: "The Shadowmaster" "Bye? You're kidding! You don't say bye to the Mighty Shadowmaster!!!"